Happy Summer!
Aimée Butcher June 27, 2015
Happy summer and I hope you are all enjoying a much needed weekend leading up to Canada Day.
I am thrilled to say that "The World Is Alright" has been doing very well. Critically, we received another positive review soon after the CD launch from New Canadian Music. Check it out at the link below...
The boys and I are playing a short set at the Emmet Ray tomorrow night (28/06/15, 924 College St., 7:30PM) and will be playing at the Rex on July 6th (194 Queen St. W., 9:30PM). We are so excited for both gigs.
We can still use all the support we can get. If you or anyone you know of is still interested in buying a CD, please contatc me through my website or you may direct them to the various links I have provided in order to buy a digital copy.
Happy summer and much love,
CD Out!!!!! And First Review!!!!!!
Aimée Butcher May 2015
Hello! For those who have not heard, my debut album "The World Is Alright" is out now and available on iTunes, CDBaby, Amazon and Google Play. We have been receiving some excellent response, includng a feature in the Mississauga News (my hometown) and airplay on CBC Radio-Canada (Français). Check out the review below.
Our CD release party is on May 26th, 2015 at the Jazz Bistro at 8PM. 15$ for adults and 10$ for students. Reservations are STRONGLY recommended. Call (416) 363-5299. It is going to be a wonderful night. We had our frst rehearsal this morning with one to follow on Thursday and will be testing out some material at the Princess Margaret Hospital as part of the Music in the Atrium Series from 12PM-1PM on Wednesday, May 20, 2015.
Much love and hope to see some smiling faces there :)
Happy New Year!
Aimée Butcher February 2015
Happy New Year, everyone! While I have not been gigging as much as of late, I have been actively involved in developing my teaching practice in addition to preparing for the upcoming release of my debut CD, "The World Is Alright" on May 26th at the Jazz Bistro. It is mainly a reflection of 2014, which included some ups and some downs. Luckily enough, I was able to channel all of that energy into something that I am extremely proud of. I am so excited to share this music with all of you.
I am still very much interested in gigging for private functions/weddings/corporate events and am always looking for work. In addition, if you or anyone you know of is interested in private lessons, I will gladly take you on. Feel free to shoot me a message in the contact section for all inquiries and bookings.
More updates to come, in addition to a newsletter and possibly a blog!!!!